Midlife Marketing Logo

So, you’re a small to medium sized business or one-man band, and your online marketing isn’t making you any money .

You want 1-to-1 online marketing support in plain English with no fluff

that will skyrocket your sales 🚀.

I can help with that 👌

Trusted logo

Worked with and trusted by

Struggling to achieve success with digital and online marketing for your business?

Hey, it’s Ray, the Midlife Marketing Maestro!

You know, after two decades in this digital circus, I’ve become the guy who can make even your grandma’s knitting blog go viral.

You know what’s a riot? My dad, a 65-year-old (soon to be retired) mechanic, can barely text, but guess what? Thanks to my marketing mojo, he’s been able to increase sales from local customers. 

If I can pull that trick on him, picture the fireworks I can set off for you and the hundred others I’ve given my special touch to.

So, what do you say? Let’s make the internet our playground!

Book A Free Consultation

🚀 Unshackle Your Biz Potential - More Sales, More Customers, Zero Pounds!

Your Free Joyride Awaits...⏳

Hey, don't just stand there like a deer in headlights!

Sign up for a free, one-on-one chitchat where we'll dissect your business dreams and give 'em a digital facelift.

What You'll Get: A Blueprint for Blasting Off Your Sales!

You'll walk away with a digital marketing plan so results-driven, it makes a caffeinated squirrel look lazy.

The Whole Shebang:

Don’t Be a Schmuck—Seize the Day! 🌱

What are you waiting for, an engraved invitation? Book a session and let’s turn your business into a rocket ship! 🚀

So, you're a Newbie-preneur, huh?

Ah, the newbie entrepreneur! Fresh meat in the digital jungle, eh?

You’re probably as lost as a fish out of water at a rodeo. But don’t worry, that’s where ol’ Midlife comes in. I’m like the Gandalf of digital marketing, minus the beard and the wizard hat 🧙‍♂️.

Why You Shouldn’t Miss This 30-Minute Rollercoaster

Now, listen up, because I’m gonna cram more into our 30 minutes than you can fit into a clown car. Here’s the rundown:

So, are you in, or are you gonna keep wandering around like a headless chicken in the digital maze?


So, you're a Senior-preneur, eh?

Ah, the Senior-preneur! You’ve been around the block, maybe even built the block. You’ve got more experience than a seasoned pro, and now you’re ready to dip your toes into the digital ocean. Well, don’t worry, I’m your lifeguard on duty.

Free Session? What’s the Catch?

You’re probably wondering, “Why should I spend a free 30 mins with this guy?” Well, let me tell you, it’s like getting a backstage pass to the digital Woodstock. Here’s the setlist:

So, are you ready to sign up, or are you gonna let the digital world pass you by like a parade you’re too old to enjoy?

So, you're a None-preneur, ay?

Ah, the None-preneur! You’re like a blank canvas, aren’t you? Dreaming of the big bucks but scared to dip your brush into the paint. Well, fear not, Picasso, I’m here to guide your hand.

Why a Free Session is Your Golden Ticket

You’re probably thinking, “What’s in it for me?” Well, it’s like getting a free ride on the digital marketing express, no ticket required. Here’s your itinerary:

So, are you gonna take the plunge, or are you content just dipping your toes in the kiddie pool of life?

One-on-One Marketing: Skyrocket your sales or i'll refund your misery*

Big corporations are raking in the cash with marketing tricks slicker than a greased pig at a country fair.

And here you are, the little guy, trying to catch crumbs from the corporate table.

The Secret Sauce, minus the jargon!

I’m gonna let you in on their million-dollar secrets, but don’t worry, I won’t be spewing ‘contrepreneur’ BS, *cough* I’m looking at you Tai Lopez!

This is one-on-one coaching, tailored to your mom-and-pop shop or whatever you’re peddling.

So, are you ready to turn your small fry operation into a cash cow? Or are you just gonna stand there like a deer in the headlights of big business?

Why Midlife Marketing?

Because Youth is Overrated, That's Why!

Picture this: a Digital Marketing Jedi with two decades under his belt, who’s rubbed elbows with the bigwigs like Disney, Microsoft, and even those stuffy folks at Barclays. Yeah, that’s me, your personal Yoda in shorts and Hawaiian Shirts.

Credentials? Oh, I’ve Got ‘Em

I’ve got an MBA in Marketing Business Hoo-Ha and I’ve been hustling since I was 14. That’s right, while other kids were trading football cards, I was trading stock options.

The 10,000-Hour Rule, Baby!

You know what they say about 10,000 hours making you an expert? Well, I’ve clocked that and more, devouring every digital marketing book and acing many courses that promise to turn you into the next Steve Jobs, but they don’t.

Enough about me, Let’s talk about you.

Whether you’re trying to be the next internet sensation or just want to sell more knitted cozies, I’ve got the magic beans to grow your beanstalk.

Why Are You Still Reading This?

Don’t just stand there like you’re posing for a Renaissance painting. Hop on board this rocket ship to success with my one-on-one coaching.

So, are you in, or are you gonna keep window-shopping your dreams?

Let’s turn this into a buddy movie where we both come out on top!

Now or never
Happy Clients
0 %
Hours studying Digital Marketing
0 +
Years Experience
0 +
Success stories
0 +

WhY choose me?

More than 20 years of experience

I’m a seasoned digital marketing expert with an impressive client portfolio, entrepreneurial achievements, and extensive expertise gained through in-depth studies and over 10K hours dedicated to this service.


Experienced Digital Marketing Pro (20+ years).

Loved by the pros

Worked with Disney, Microsoft, Barclays Bank, and more.

Professional attainment

MBA in Marketing with Entrepreneurial Success.

Highly competent

Extensive studies and 10K+ hours in digital marketing education

See what others have to say...

A Personal Success Story 📖

Turning a Failing Mechanic Business Around with Digital Marketing

My dad, a mechanic in his 60s, was struggling to keep his business afloat due to a lack of sales.

Despite his expertise and loyal customer base, he was barely breaking even and was on the brink of shutting down his business.

I came in to advise him on how to leverage modern digital marketing techniques to increase his sales and transform his business.

I began by assessing his current marketing strategies and identified areas that needed improvement.

Transforming my dad's business into making Six Figures .

I recommended a series of digital marketing techniques, including the following:


Creating a professional website to showcase his services, expertise, and customer testimonials, he had an old holding page, but did not invest in it as he saw no value in it.

SEO Research

Implementing Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) techniques to ensure that the website appeared at the top of search engine results pages (SERPs) when potential customers searched for relevant keywords.

Social Media

Recommended using social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram to reach out to potential customers and engage with them.

Online Advertising

Running targeted social media and online advertising campaigns to reach potential customers in the local area.

Email Marketing

Leveraging email marketing to reach out to customers to increase engagement and keep them coming back.

Within a few months, dad started seeing a significant increase in his sales.

Customers who had previously been unaware of his services began contacting him, and his existing customers became more loyal and engaged.

With the help of his son, the Midlife Marketer, dad was able to transform his business from breaking even to making six figures over an 18-month period.

What Can Midlife Marketing Do For You ?

In a nutshell, I cut through the BS and provide you with a personalised one-to-one digital marketing advice and coaching for your small business or self-employed venture.

Two male grocers

I have helped businesses increase sales, make more money, and transform into successful self-reliant ventures.

Whether you’re struggling to generate sales, increase leads, or improve your marketing strategy, I am here to help.

With my guidance, you can unlock the full potential of your business and achieve the success you deserve.

A Social Media Success Story 📖

Helping a 70-year-old shop owner get more customers from her Facebook account.

Mrs. Johnson, a clothing shop owner in Luton, had faced challenges in navigating and utilising Facebook for her business.

As a newcomer to social media platforms, she found it difficult to grasp the technical aspects of Facebook, including post creation, comment response, and ad management.

Plus, the ever-changing nature of the platform made her struggle left her feeling confused.

Mrs. Johnson came to me for help, with my guidance she learned how to effectively create and manage posts, engage with her audience, and run ads on Facebook.

My one-to-one coaching emphasised the significance of building a community around her business and leveraging Facebook’s analytics tools to measure success and identify areas for improvement.

Together, we crafted a tailored social media marketing strategy aligned with Mrs. Johnson’s business goals and target audience.

Through coaching with me, Mrs. Johnson honed her social media skills and experienced tangible growth for her clothing business.

Armed with the right knowledge and support, she leveraged Facebook to promote her brand and achieve her aspirations.

A 70 year old woman standing in a clothing shop

Your One-to-one Marketing Blueprint

Choose from the top 33 essential online and digital marketing techniques and strategies that will transform your business.

Most Popular Sessions

Master the Art of SEO

Boost Your Website's Visibility and Attract More Organic Traffic

Unleash the power of SEO and PPC to attract customers.

With personalised coaching, master digital marketing techniques, optimise your website, and dominate search engine rankings.

Art of SEO

Unlock Online Success

Harness the Power of Social Media Marketing to Boost Your Business

Ignite online success with personalised  and guided social media coaching tailored to your business needs.

Skyrocket brand visibility, engage your audience, and leave your competition behind.


Prevail in Paid Advertising

Drive Sales & Reach New Customers with Targeted Online Ads

Prepare to dominate the digital advertising landscape with personalised coaching.

Supercharge your sales, reach new customers through targeted online ads, and leave competitors behind.

Digital Advertising

Winning the Conversion Game

Personalised Coaching for a Profitable Online Business

Boost your website’s conversion rates and transform visitors into loyal customers.

Learn essential digital marketing techniques to create a captivating website with persuasive design elements.

Maximise Website Potential

AI Marketing Masterclass

How to use AI to boost your sales and make your life easier

Supercharge your small business marketing with AI.

Optimise ad campaigns, gain customer insights and discover how tools such as ChatGPT can be used to provide insights into your customers.

Optimise your marketing campaigns with targeted ads to drive more sales.


Mastering Digital Rapport

Unlocking the Secrets of Building Strong Connections Online

Learn to build digital rapport, adapt communication styles across platforms, and use advanced tools for personalisation and audience segmentation.

We’ll explore strategies for attracting and nurturing leads effectively, including website optimisation, social media usage, and email marketing.


Who this is for

If you meet one or more of these then this is for you.

So, do you see yourself in this motley crew? If so, it’s time to stop being a spectator and start being a player in the digital arena.

Who this isn't for

If you check any of these boxes, you're too cool for this school!

So, if you’re nodding your head to any of these, congratulations, you’re overqualified for my little digital marketing rodeo. But hey, feel free to stick around and heckle the rest of us!

A Pay-Per-Click Success Story 📖

Helping a small business owner gain customers and increase sales through the power of PPC.

Hannah small business owner

Meet Hannah, small business owner, 50, Slough. Hannah discovered the potential of Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising for her online cupcake business.

Intrigued by its ability to boost sales and attract new customers, Hannah decided to give it a try.

After immersing herself in blogs and online videos about PPC, Hannah felt ready to put her newfound knowledge into action.

However, she encountered a significant obstacle. The technical aspects of PPC, including keyword research, ad targeting, bidding, and campaign optimisation, proved to be quite challenging for her.

The problem with E-Courses and Blogs 

Hannah realised that a certain level of technical expertise and experience was necessary, which posed a difficulty as she had no prior background in digital or online advertising.

As a result, she found herself stuck and unable to progress further.

That’s where I came in

Hannah was about to give up on PPC but contacted me as she had heard I could make a difference and give her the support she has been struggling to receive.

During our one-to-one coaching sessions, I guided Hannah through the process of understanding and implementing PPC advertising for her business.

We started from the basics, explaining how it works and why it can be beneficial for her specific goals. 

Together, we explored keyword research, ad creation, campaign management, and tracking metrics to optimise her ad performance. I explained each term in a way she could relate to.

I provided personalised guidance and practical examples.

The solution 

Hannah gained the knowledge and confidence to effectively use PPC advertising to increase her online visibility, attract relevant customers, and achieve her marketing objectives. 

I was there every step of the way to answer her questions, address her concerns, and help her navigate this valuable marketing technique. 

All this was done with:

Choose from 33 Cutting-Edge One-to-One Digital Marketing Techniques and Strategies to Supercharge Your Sales

What I will offer you is 33 of the best online marketing strategies in the world, period!

Whether you’re new to digital and online marketing or your current campaigns aren’t working for you, I’ll demystify everything, explaining it in clear and simple terms. You can count on me to be there every step of the way, ensuring smooth implementation of these tools for maximum impact.

From our free one to one consultation I’ll work out which of the 33 strategies  you will need and I will show you how to implement it into your business to make you money.

Browse through the list of 33 strategies below and let me know which ones you’re already using. We’ll focus on what you’d like to learn during our consultation. Can’t wait to assist you!

Target Audience
Target Market Identification and Analysis

1. Target Market Mastery

Uncover Your Ideal Customers and Craft a Compelling Marketing USP

In this session, I’ll show you how to define your target market – identifying their demographics, interests, pain points, and challenges.

Then, I’ll work to ensure you have a unique and memorable brand identity that aligns perfectly with your target audience, crafting a strong brand name, logo, and tagline that will make your business stand out from the crowd.

Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to transform your marketing and take your business to the next level with Target Market Mastery.

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

2. Master the Art of SEO

Boost Your Website's Visibility and Attract More Organic Traffic

Thousands of customers are searching for your services every day, are you tapping into the power of SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and PPC (Pay-Per-Click)?

Whether you’re a newbie business owner or a senior-preneur, l’ll guide you step-by-step through essential digital marketing techniques to optimise your website, attract more organic traffic, and dominate search engine rankings.

From keyword research to on-page optimisation, link building, and content strategy (I’ll explain all of this if you are not sure what it all means).

l’ll equip you with the knowledge and strategies to unlock the full power of SEO. Get ready to harness the potential of your online presence, outrank your competitors, and watch as your website becomes a magnet for targeted visitors and eager customers.

Social Media
Social Media Marketing

3. Social Media Engagement Mastery

Create a Buzz and Connect with Your Target Audience

Are you ready to revolutionise your social media presence and take your business to the next level?

In this One-to-one session, I’ll dive deep into building a strong social media presence, establishing your brand’s voice, and messaging across all your social media  platforms.

I’ll also cover how to engage with your audience effectively, responding to comments and messages promptly, and keeping your followers hooked with polls, questions, and conversations.

Plus, I’ll explore how you can offer exclusive promotions that will drive sales and incentivise your audience to make a purchase.

And if that’s not enough, I’ll even cover collaborating with influencers to promote your products or services to their followers, increasing brand awareness and driving even more sales.

Social Media Marketing

4. Unlock Online Success

Harness the Power of Social Media Marketing to Boost Your Business

l’ll guide you through essential digital marketing techniques tailored to your unique business needs.

I will show you how to harness the power of social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram to increase your brand visibility, engage with your target audience, and generate growth in sales. 

Digital Marketing
Digital Marketing Strategies

5. Take your business to the next level

Master the power of digital marketing

Discover how to leverage the power of digital marketing to increase your sales and propel your business to new heights.

I will show you how to transform your small business into a thriving online presence and unleash its full potential with the right digital marketing for small businesses one to one coaching session for you.

Marketing Tools
Digital Marketing Strategies

6. Tap Into The Secret Tools of Digital Marketing

Designed to make your life easier

There are so many online tools designed to make your online marketing easier to manage, easier to track, and will save you both money and time.

My one-to-one coaching program will aim to harness the power of these tools and tailor them specifically to your business.

With personalised guidance and expert insights, I will show you how to leverage these tools effectively, optimising your marketing efforts and maximising your return on investment.

Together, we’ll navigate the digital landscape, implement streamlined processes, and unlock the potential of these tools to propel your business to new heights.

Web Design
Web Design and Development

7. Web Design Confidence

Uncover the Secrets to choosing the right Web Designer and Marketing freelancers ensuring fair pricing and maximum ROI

I will show you how to elevate your online presence and captivate your audience with a website that showcases your unique brand and drives conversions.

My one-on-one coaching will empower you with the knowledge and confidence to navigate the web design landscape, ensuring you make informed decisions when selecting a web designer.

I will show you how to unlock the secrets to negotiating fair pricing and securing a design partner who understands your vision and delivers exceptional results.

Don’t settle for less than your business deserves—let me guide you towards web design greatness and online success.

Paid Search
Paid Advertising

8. Paid Search Prowess

Maximise ROI with Expertly Crafted Pay-Per-Click Campaigns

I will guide you through the intricacies of keyword research, ad creation, and campaign optimisation (don’t worry if you don’t understand it all, by the end of the session you will), ensuring that every pound you invest delivers substantial returns.

Learn how to strategically allocate your budget, identify high-converting keywords, and craft compelling adverts that capture your audience’s attention.

Paid Ads

9. Prevail In Paid Advertising

Boost your ROI with Targeted Ads on Google, Facebook, and More

I will guide you through the best way of crafting compelling ad campaigns that captivate your audience and drive conversions.

I will show you the insider strategies to optimise your ad budgets, target specific demographics, and leverage advanced targeting options to ensure your message reaches the right people at the right time.

Again, don’t worry if you don’t understand it all, by the end  of the session you will. 

With my personalised coaching, you’ll gain the skills and knowledge to navigate the complex world of paid advertising, from setting up effective campaigns to monitoring and optimising performance for maximum results.

Get ready to take your business to new heights of success with my paid advertising mastery coaching.

Content Marketing
Content Marketing

10. Content Marketing Magic

Create Compelling Content that Converts and Builds Customer Loyalty

In this One-to-one session, I’ll dive into the nitty-gritty of ensuring your website is professional and optimised for search engines and mobile devices.

I’ll also establish your presence on the social media platforms that your target audience uses the most.

Plus, I’ll work together to create valuable and engaging content that educates, informs, or entertains your audience, developing a content calendar that outlines the topics and formats for each piece.

Local Search
Local Marketing

11. Local Search Domination

Get Found by Local Customers and Increase Foot Traffic

I will help you elevate your small business’s local presence and dominate the search results with my one-to-one coaching program focused on local search domination.

I’ll guide you through essential digital marketing techniques to ensure you get found by local customers and drive increased foot traffic to your store.

From optimising your online listings to implementing location-based strategies, I’ll show you how to harness the power of local search to attract more customers right to your doorstep.

Email Marketing
Email Marketing

12. Email Marketing Mastery

Leverage the Power of Personalised Emails to Skyrocket Your Sales

Say goodbye to generic email blasts and hello to high-converting campaigns that resonate with your target audience.

I’ll guide you through the essential digital marketing techniques needed to craft compelling email content, segment your audience for maximum impact, and automate your email sequences to nurture leads and drive conversions.

Get ready to harness the power of personalisation and watch as your open rates soar, click-through rates grow, and your sales pipeline fills with eager customers.

With my expert guidance and tailored strategies, you’ll become an email marketing maestro, connecting with your audience on a deeper level and turning prospects into loyal customers.

Web Performance
Conversion Optimisation

13. Winning the Conversion Game

Optimise Your Website's User Experience and Increase Conversions

My expert guidance will take you through essential digital marketing techniques, helping you create a website that captivates your audience, engages them at every touchpoint, and compels them to take action.

From intuitive navigation to persuasive copywriting, I’ll show you how to create a seamless user experience that builds trust and drives conversions.

With my proven strategies, you’ll learn to leverage persuasive design elements, implement effective call-to-actions, and optimise your landing pages for maximum impact.

Influencer Marketing
Influencer Marketing

14. Crush Your Competitors with Influencer Marketing

Harness the Influence of Key Industry Leaders

My expert guidance will show you how to identify the right influencers for your niche, forge authentic partnerships, and create compelling campaigns that captivate your target audience.

Learn the art of collaboration and tap into the trust and loyalty established by these influential figures.

I will show you how to harness their expertise and leverage their massive following to amplify your brand message and attract a flood of eager customers.

From strategising impactful collaborations to measuring the success of your influencer campaigns, I’ll equip you with the tools and techniques to dominate your market and stay ahead of the competition.

Social Influencer
Influencer Marketing

15. Gain Confidence In Social Influencer Partnerships

Collaborate with Influencers to Expand Your Reach and Credibility

I will guide you through the intricacies of forging strategic partnerships, from identifying the right influencers to crafting compelling campaigns that resonate with your target market.

Learn how to leverage the influence of key industry leaders to create a buzz around your brand, increase brand awareness, and drive conversions like never before.

Customer Retention
Customer Relationship Management

16. Building Online Customer Loyalty

Build Long-Term Relationships and Foster Repeat Business

I will guide you through proven methodologies, helping you create personalised experiences, nurture customer loyalty, and maximise the lifetime value of your clients.

I will show you how to discover how to implement effective retention strategies that keep your customers coming back for more, from crafting tailored communication strategies to implementing loyalty programs and customer feedback loops.  

With my personalised coaching, you’ll gain the skills and insights necessary to build strong connections, exceed customer expectations, and foster a community of loyal brand advocates.

Personal Branding
Branding and Personal Branding

17. Personal Branding Power

Establish Yourself as an Industry Authority and Drive Business Growth

My expert coaching will guide you on a transformative journey to establish an influential personal brand.

Learn how to craft a compelling brand story, define your unique value proposition, and build a strong online presence that captivates your target audience.

From creating captivating content to mastering social media strategies, I’ll equip you with the tools and techniques to position yourself as an industry leader and drive unprecedented business growth.

Embrace the potential of personal branding and unlock new opportunities for success.

Branding Storytelling
Branding and Personal Branding

18. Become A Branding And Storytelling Expert

Transforming Your Brand Narrative for Success

I will show you how to explore the elements of effective storytelling and learn how to create a narrative that showcases your brand’s values, mission, and unique offerings.

I’ll help you develop a strong brand identity by understanding the key components of branding, including visual elements, tone of voice, and messaging. 

You will discover strategies to effectively communicate your brand story across various channels, capturing the attention and interest of your target audience.

By mastering branding and storytelling, you will create a powerful connection with your customers, differentiate yourself from competitors, and build a memorable brand that drives engagement and loyalty.

Data Driven Analytics
Analytics and Data-Driven Marketing

19. Unleash Analytics And Data-driven Insights

Make Informed Decisions to Optimise Your Marketing Efforts

I will show you how to dive into the world of analytics and data-driven insights with this  one-to-one coaching program.

Whether you’re a newbie business owner or a seasoned baby boomer entrepreneur, my expert coaching will empower you to make informed decisions that will optimise your marketing efforts.

Uncover hidden patterns, identify trends, and extract valuable insights from your data to drive measurable results.

From understanding key performance indicators to implementing advanced analytics tools, I’ll guide you through the intricacies of data analysis and help you harness its power to supercharge your marketing strategy.

Sales Funnel
Sales and Funnel Optimisation

20. Power of Sales Funnel Optimisation

Streamline Your Funnel for Higher Conversions and Revenue

I will show you how to rev up your sales engine with my one-to-one coaching program focused on Sales Funnel Optimisation.

This session will guide you through the process of streamlining your sales funnel to achieve higher conversions and revenue, don’t worry if you’re not sure what sales funnel optimisation is, I will show you what it is and exactly how you can benefit. 

From attracting qualified leads to nurturing them into paying customers, I’ll help you identify bottlenecks (I will explain what this is in the session), optimise each stage of your funnel, and implement proven strategies to drive sales growth.

Say goodbye to missed opportunities and hello to a revenue-boosting funnel that works like a well-oiled machine.

Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate Marketing

21. Affiliate Marketing Profit Blueprint

Generate Passive Income through Strategic Partnerships

Let me show you how to generate passive income through strategic partnerships.

I will guide you through the intricacies of affiliate marketing, from identifying the right partners to creating compelling promotional strategies.

I will show you how to leverage the power of affiliate networks, track performance, and optimise your campaigns for maximum profitability.

With my personalised coaching, you’ll gain the knowledge and skills to build lucrative affiliate partnerships that drive consistent revenue streams. 

Marketing Automation
Marketing Automation

22. Win The Marketing Automation Game

Streamline Your Processes and Scale Your Business Effortlessly

I will show you how to revolutionise your marketing game with my one-to-one coaching program that will help you discover the transformative power of marketing automation and take your business to new heights of efficiency and scalability.

I will guide you through the intricacies of automating your marketing processes, saving you valuable time and resources while supercharging your results.

Learn how to leverage cutting-edge tools and technologies to automate repetitive tasks, nurture leads, and deliver personalised experiences to your customers at scale.

Say goodbye to manual workflows and hello to streamlined processes that drive growth.

With my personalised coaching, you’ll unlock the secrets to successful marketing automation, allowing you to focus on what truly matters: growing your business and maximising your sales.

AI Marketing

23. AI Marketing Masterclass

How to use AI to skyrocket your sales and make your life easier

I will show you how to unlock the power of AI in your small business marketing.

You may have heard about how a website called ChatGPT is revolutionising many businesses day-to-day life, this can also apply to your marketing.

Discover how sites such as ChatGPT can be used to provide insights into your customers so you can optimise your marketing campaigns with targeted ads to drive more sales.

Plus, I will show you how to create personalised customer service experiences using chatbots and other AI-powered tools, helping your small business stand out and succeed online.

Video Marketing
Video Marketing

24. Video Marketing Supercharge

Utilise the Power of Video to Engage and Convert Customers

I will show you how to unleash the untapped potential of video marketing and take your business to new heights. 

Harness the captivating power of video to engage your audience and effortlessly convert them into loyal customers.

I will guide you through the entire video marketing journey, from crafting compelling scripts to creating visually stunning videos that leave a lasting impact.

Discover the secrets to creating viral videos that generate buzz and attract a flood of new customers to your business.

Learn how to optimise your videos for search engines and social media platforms, ensuring maximum visibility and reach. With my guidance, you’ll master the art of storytelling through video, effectively communicating your brand message and building strong emotional connections with your audience.

Dynamic Ads
Dynamic Advertising

25. Dynamic Advertising Transformation

Transform Your Marketing with Dynamic Ads and Retargeting

Are you struggling to convert website visitors into customers? Dynamic ads and retargeting can help!

In this one-to-one session, I will show you how to leverage cutting-edge data and technology, you can deliver personalised ads to customers based on their behaviour and interests, leading to increased conversions and sales.

Join me for one-to-one business coaching and I’ll show you how to use dynamic ads and retargeting to revolutionise your marketing strategy.

Lead Generation
Lead Generation

26. Lead Generation Accelerator

Generate Quality Leads and Grow Your Customer Base

Are you ready to supercharge your lead generation efforts and take your business to new heights?

With my Lead Generation Accelerator one-to-one digital coaching, you’ll learn how to generate high-quality leads and grow your customer base like never before. 

My personalised coaching sessions will provide you with the strategies, techniques, and tools you need to attract, capture, and nurture leads effectively.

From optimising your website for lead generation to leveraging social media platforms and email marketing, we’ll dive deep into proven tactics that will fuel your business growth.

Business Coaching
Multichannel Marketing

27. Game Changing Marketing Transformation

Revolutionise the way you market your business

In this one-to-one coaching program on essential digital marketing techniques you will know everything you need to know about Multichannel Marketing!

You will discover how to use a variety of channels and tactics like social media, email, and search ads all at once to reach your target audience and drive conversions.

With my coaching, you’ll learn how to maximise your reach and impact with an effective multichannel marketing strategy that will take your business to the next level.

Build Digital Rapport
Lead Generation

28. Mastering Digital Rapport

Unlocking the Secrets of Building Strong Connections Online

In this session I will show you how to build digital rapport through powerful techniques to establish meaningful connections, foster trust, and drive exceptional results online.

Gain insights into effective communication, compelling storytelling, and leveraging emotional intelligence.

Adapt your style across platforms and discover advanced tools for personalisation and audience segmentation.

My personalised coaching sessions will provide you with the strategies, techniques, and tools you need to attract, capture, and nurture leads effectively.

From optimising your website for lead generation to leveraging social media platforms and email marketing, we’ll dive deep into proven tactics that will fuel your business growth.

Bonus Sessions

Only available within the ‘Online Sales Success For Newbies’ and ‘Online Marketing Wealth Build For Seniorpreneurs’ packages

Transformation Roadmap
Bonus Session 1

29. Your Ultimate Marketing Transformation Roadmap

Personalised Digital Marketing Strategies

Let’s create the ultimate digital marketing strategy for your long-term business success!

In this bonus one-on-one session, I’ll make sure that all the marketing strategies we discussed and implemented in the previous sessions are not only effective but also manageable for your long-term success.

Bonus Session 2

30. Achieve Leadership Excellence

Empowering Teams for Business Success

In this session I will develop essential leadership skills to effectively manage and inspire teams.

Learn techniques to foster a positive work culture, enhance team collaboration, and improve communication within your company.

You will also gain insights into effective delegation, conflict resolution, and motivating your team to achieve long-term business success.

Digital Sales
Bonus Session 3

31. Master the Art of Digital Sales

Boost Your Persuasion Skills and Drive Revenue Online

In this session you will master the art of selling and persuasion. You will gain a deep understanding of customer psychology and learn effective techniques to influence buying decisions.

I will show you how to develop your communication skills to build rapport, handle objections, and create compelling sales pitches.

Discover strategies to close more deals, increase customer conversions, and drive revenue growth for your business.

Bonus Session 4

32. Maximise Your Productivity

Master Time Management for Business Efficiency

From this session you will learn valuable techniques and tools to boost your productivity and effectively manage your time.

We will explore strategies to prioritise tasks, set clear goals, and overcome common productivity challenges.

I will show you how to discover time-saving tools and methods to streamline your workflow and optimise your efficiency.

With improved productivity and effective time management, you will be able to accomplish more in less time, achieving greater success and work-life balance.

Bonus Session 5

33. Unleash Your Potential

Achieve Mindset Mastery for Entrepreneurial Success

In this session you will embark on a transformative journey of personal growth and development.

Discover the power of a success-oriented mindset and learn techniques to overcome limiting beliefs that may be holding you back from reaching your full potential.

I will show you how to develop resilience and perseverance to navigate challenges and setbacks, and learn strategies to stay focused and motivated on your entrepreneurial journey. 

Through mindset exercises, mindset shifts, and practical tools, you will cultivate a mindset of abundance, confidence, and possibility.

By mastering your mindset, you will unlock new levels of resilience, creativity, and determination, empowering you to overcome obstacles, seize opportunities, and achieve extraordinary success in your business and life.

Packages For Success

See how the sessions above fit into my packages for successful business transformation

Online Sales Success For Newbies

Essential 8-session package plus bonuses for new business owners struggling with online marketing. Master key strategies, boost your online presence, and drive sales to succeed.
£ 279 Full Package*
  • Session 1: Goal Setting for Business Success
  • Session 2: How to Monetise Your Website for Profit
  • Session 3: Social Media Sales Conversion
  • Session 4: Content Marketing for Storytelling and Creating Likability
  • Session 5: Effective Email Marketing and Mastering Email Campaign
  • Session 6: Online Advertising for Instant Client Attainment
  • Session 7: Analytics and Performance Tracking to Optimise Campaigns
  • Session 8: Direct Sales & Persuasion Techniques for Sales Mastery
  • Bonus Sessions:
  • Session 1: Automation for Productivity & Time Management
  • Session 2: Your Ultimate Marketing Transformation Roadmap

Online Marketing Wealth
Build For Seniorpreneurs

Tailored coaching for senior entrepreneurs struggling with online marketing. Receive comprehensive evaluation of your online presence. Plus In-depth analysis of your current marketing strategies and tactics.
£ 379 Full Package*
  • Session 1: Digital Marketing Foundations & Tailoring Your Marketing Direction
  • Session 2: Website Optimisation
  • Session 3: Social Media Sales Transformation
  • Session 4: Targeted Advertising for Immediate Client Acquisition
  • Session 5: Master the Art of SEO
  • Session 6: Mastering Digital Rapport and Building Online Connections
  • Session 7: Building Productivity and Efficient Marketing Techniques
  • Session 8: Lead Generation Accelerator
  • Bonus Sessions:
  • Session 1: Online Sales & Persuasion Techniques
  • Session 2: Harnessing AI for Customer Targeting
  • Session 3: Your Ultimate Marketing Transformation Roadmap

Your Digital Marketing Essentials: Pic n’ Mix sessions

My best pay-as-you-go option, designed for flexibility and convenience, perfect for business owners who require one off sessions.
Your One-to-one sessions will include:
£ 97 Per Session
  • Choose from 28 Essential Marketing Techniques
  • Pay per session for flexibility
  • Personalised coaching for your goals and challenges
  • Practical strategies for tangible results and increased sales
  • Flexible session scheduling
  • In-depth guidance for online marketing success

Frequently Asked Questions

It is likely you're already using at least one digital marketing method, but just to be clear; digital marketing is the modern way of promoting your business and connecting with customers online. It involves using websites, social media, and online advertising to reach a wider audience and boost brand visibility. 

By leveraging digital tools and strategies, your business can attract more potential customers and drive growth in today's digital age.

The journey to transforming your business with essential digital marketing techniques can start right now! 

Once you book your Free One-to-one marketing diagnostic session, we’ll work together to determine your unique needs and create a tailored One-to-one coaching program designed to excel your business. From there, I’ll dive into my one-on-one coaching sessions and begin implementing strategies that will skyrocket your sales and help you achieve your business goals. 

So don't wait any longer, let's start your marketing transformation journey today!

Well, my coaching isn't some cookie-cutter nonsense. It's all about you and your business's quirks.

We'll kick things off with a deep dive to understand your needs and dreams. Then, I tailor each session to hit the bullseye where you need help most.

No fluff, just results that matter to you.

Absolutely not! 

Midlife Marketing is for any small business owner who wants to take their business to the next level with digital marketing. 

Although I have a passion for empowering senior business owners, my coaching services are suitable for anyone who is serious about improving their marketing strategies and boosting their sales. 

Whether you're a young entrepreneur or a seasoned business owner, I'm here to help you succeed!

Each coaching session lasts 55 mins.

Your first free session is 25 mins.

Rest assured, we value your time and will ensure that you are never charged more if a session was to overrun. 

However, there may be instances when another client has a session scheduled immediately after yours. In such cases, we will make every effort to conclude the session within the allocated 55-minute time frame, while still providing you with the support and guidance you need.

My goal is to maximise the value and impact of each coaching session while respecting everyone's schedules.

You can trust that I will always prioritise your success and make the most of our time together.

I have more than 20 years’ experience in online and digital marketing.

Midlife Marketing is the ultimate one-to-one program designed exclusively for entrepreneurs and marketers who are ready to make a bold and lasting impact.

Unlike anything else out there, I cut through the BS and deliver real, actionable strategies that will set you apart from the crowd.

While others sprinkle marketing jargon like confetti, we serve up strategies that pack a punch. No quick fixes here; we're all about timeless techniques that'll keep your business on fire for the long haul.

Forget about complex concepts that only serve to confuse you. At Midlife Marketing, I break things down into clear, understandable terms, ensuring that you grasp every concept and I help you implement it with confidence.

I’m not here to just sell you a program and walk away. I genuinely care about your success and are committed to your business journey. I'll be by your side every step of the way, offering support, guidance, and accountability to ensure you achieve your goals.

No more being left to figure things out on your own. With Midlife Marketing, you'll have access to a wealth of resources, expert advice.

Don't settle for anything less. Join Midlife Marketing and discover the transformative power of our no-nonsense, results-driven approach.

Your success is my mission.

I go by the name "The Midlife Marketer" because I'm all about supporting folks who are right in the thick of their professional journey – that midlife hustle, you know?

I understand that starting a new business or adapting to the digital marketing landscape can be daunting, especially for those who are new to the online world or come from a different business era. 

My expertise lies in helping newbie business owners and baby boomer owners of small businesses navigate the essential digital marketing techniques necessary to transform their marketing strategies and drive sales. 

Midlife entrepreneurs, I salute you! You've got your own set of challenges and opportunities, and I'm here to guide you through the maze of 21st-century marketing. Consider me your digital GPS – except I'm way funnier than that robotic voice.

Let's make this digital journey one heck of a ride!